Internal Client Administration

If you choose to turn off the Client application and portal, you can use the system to internally manage your clients without their input. We recommend allowing your clients to complete their own application and profile as this covers you under GDPR for the lawful consent for processing their data. They give their consent by personally disclosing the data.

Because they have been involved in the process and they have access to their own portal, this covers you under GDPR ‘Right to Access’. They have their own data available at their fingertips 24 hours a day.

Because they have the ability to manage their own data, this covers your company for the GDPR ‘Right to Rectification’ as they can update their own data at any time.

Application form and Enquiry Wizard

By Default, when a client registers for an account with your company they are taken through a simple Application wizard process. This asks them simple questions to determine if they are a private or commercial client which determines which follow up questions are then asked.

If they are a Commercial Client, they are asked to provide their company name and number aswell as contact details which can be used as due dilligence to determine if they are a legitimate company.

If they are a Private Client they are asked for their basic information and if chosen in the settings, are then asked to upload Due Dilligence information, consisting of Personal and Address identity documents.

Once the client has finished the short account wizard, they are then taken to the Enquiry Wizard.

You can choose from the management area which questions and uploads you require as part of the Application and Enquiry wizards, or you can simply turn them off altogether.

Client Profile

The Client profile lets your administration and management teams, view all of the Client data at-a-glance.

The profile page consists of the Job list, Due Dilligence, Enquiry History Quotation History and Invoice History, Basic Information, Agreements, Documents, Previous Login History and a Client Address Map.

Due Dilligence

Any due dilligence that is uploaded by a private client to the system is stored in their profile undder the Due Dilligence Verification System. This allows you to check and verify the clients Address & Identification documents before commencing any work for the client.

Personal Agreements & Documents

Aswell as the Global agreements / documents, you have the ability to add personal agreements / documents to the Clients profile. 

Personal Agreements: can be used when you would like to give a document to the client in question personally but require a signature from the client as a confirmation of receipt.

Personal Documents: can be used when you would like to give a document to the client in question personally that doesnt require a signature.

Job List

Client Job List is sorted into 3 sections, Pending, Active and Completed 

This gives you a quick overview of all the pending, active and completed jobs that belong to this client. You also have the ability to Add a job tied to this client directly from the client’s profile.

Clicking on the table row of any job will take you to the Job Management page [LINK PAGE].

Enquiry History

The Enquiry History section shows you a history of the enquiries the client has submitted to your company from their portal. It includes the date it was added, the status of the enquiry and the sectors that the client was enquiring about. You can click the “View Button” to view the individual enquiry in greater detail.

Quotation History

The Quotations section of the client profile gives you a list of all the quotations you have submitted to the client, it includes the quote name, the status, if it has been accepted or not, the date the quotation was added and a button to view in depth the quotation details.

Invoice History

Each Invoice that is tied to the Client is shown under the Invoice History section of their profile. You can view the Invoice date, reference, price, due date, if the invoice has been paid and you also have the ability to  view the invoice overview page.

Invoice Overview – When you click View Invoice, that takes you to the Invoice Overview page.

This page gives you a breakdown of what the invoice entails, if the invoice is not paid, you have the ability to modify and add items to invoice lines.

It includes a breakdown of each line: quantity, item price and total. If you have selected in the settings that your company is VAT registered, then the system auto calculates the Tax and adds it to the invoice total for the client.

It also has who the invoice is “billed to” with their contact details, the reference number of the invoice, your company branding, invoice payment history and a button to export the invoice in PDF format for printing or your records.

Invoice Overview Payment History – On the invoice overview page is the invoice payment history, this shows you teh date of the payment, who it was taken by, the method, transaction ID and the total paid. The amount paid is taken from the invoice total to give the remaining total due.

Invoice Payment Options – When the invoice is unpaid, you have options to add a manual payment, take a card payment or if the client has paid previously, recharge the clients card.

Payment History

Alternatively visiting the Payment history page, you can view a List of all payments made from all clients into the system. This provides you with the client name, the amount paid, the method they paid with e.g. cash, card or paypal, the transaction ID, who the payment was taken by and the exact date the payment was made.

Price List Manager

The Price List Creator and manager allows you to create your own price lists of items for clients to order via the Shopping Cart e-Commerce system, if you have it turned on.

We initially had a simple shopping cart system but realised quickly that this would not suffice, as  companies in both the Security and Investigation industries wanted to sell different products to different people. 

For instance a Private Investigation company may have one pricelist for direct clients and another for working as a Sub Contractor. A Security company may have a seprate pricing structure for providing a residential security team to a private client compared to commercial clients.

Building a price list manager was the answer, which gave enough versatility to build an unlimited number of different product and service price lists, that could be allocated to any number of clients. It opened up infinate possibilities of set pricing structures.

You can simply create a price list and allocate it to a client to allow them to view the price list. They can then order and pay for your products or services directly.

Alternative to using set price products is the built in Enquiries and Quotation system.

The Ultimate Management software for the Security & Investigation Industries.